unu — ÚNU, ÚNA num. card. (Când precedă un substantiv are forma un, o; când ţine locul unui substantiv are forma unul, una) 1. (Adesea substantivat) Primul număr din seria numerelor naturale, care reprezintă unitatea şi se indică prin cifrele 1 şi I. ♢ … Dicționar Român
UNU — can refer to* United Nations University * University of Nottingham Union, an obsolete title of the University of Nottingham Students Union * Unnilunium (Unu), another name for the chemical element Mendelevium (Md), element 101. * Unu, a Star Wars … Wikipedia
UNU — Das Universitätsgebäude in Shibuya Die UNU (engl. United Nations University), auch Weltuniversität genannt, ist ein autonomes Nebenorgan der Vereinten Nationen. Sie wurde 1973 mit dem Ziel gegründet, Zukunftsfragen der Menschheit in allen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
UNU — Université des Nations unies Université des Nations unies Organe de l ONU Type d organisation Institution spécialisée de l ONU Acronymes UNU Chef … Wikipédia en Français
unu — Rasta Dictionary you all. pron. you, plural. In usage close to Afro American y awl. From Ibo unu, same meaning … English dialects glossary
UNU-MERIT — is a joint research and training center of United Nations University (UNU) and Maastricht University, in the Netherlands.The joint Institute was created on January 1, 2006 following the integration of the former UNU Institute for New Technologies … Wikipedia
UNU-CRIS — premises La Universidad de Naciones Unidas – Centro de estudios comparados de integración (UNU CRIS por su siglas en ingles) es un instituto de investigación y formación de la Universidad de Naciones Unidas (UNU). Localizado en Brujas (Bélgica)… … Wikipedia Español
UNU-CRIS — premises … Deutsch Wikipedia
Unu River — Geobox River name = Unu River native name = other name = (Reisenberg River) other name1 = image size = image caption = country type = Countries state type = region type = district type = Counties city type = Villages country = Romania country1 =… … Wikipedia
Unu Pachakuti — In Incan mythology, Unu Pachakuti is the name of a flood that Viracocha caused to destroy the people around Lake Titicaca, saving two to bring civilization to the rest of the world. The process of destruction is linked with a new construction. It … Wikipedia
UNU — United Nations University (Governmental » United Nations) United Nations University (Academic & Science » Ocean Science) * Juneau, Wisconsin (Regional » Airport Codes) … Abbreviations dictionary